By default, GBIF assigns a DOI to all registered datasets. These DOIs begin If a dataset already has a suitable DOI, for example from publication elsewhere, this DOI can be added to the metadata. See Citations, specifically "Bibliographic Citation Identifier". For almost all publishers, either the GBIF-assigned DOI or an external DOI is sufficient. This page is about using the IPT to assign DOIs directly, managed by you, the publisher. This requires the publisher to have an account with DataCite. |
Background and setup
The IPT can be configured to use a DataCite account to manage DOIs for datasets. Publishers have the option of assigning new DOIs to a dataset, or using the IPT to manage the publisher’s existing DOI for a dataset.
To enable the IPT to assign DOIs to resources, the IPT administrator must first configure an organization associated to the IPT with a DataCite account, and configure the DataCite account to mint DOIs under the IPT’s domain. Then refer to the "Configure Organizations" section to add the account to the IPT. Until this is done the DOI buttons in the Publication section of the manage resources view are hidden. Once a DataCite account has been activated in the IPT, resource managers can reserve, delete, register, deactivate, and reactivate DOIs for their resources using this account. Each of these DOI operations is explained in detail below.
Best practice is to assign a new DOI to the resource every time it undergoes a scientifically significant change. See the データセットのバージョン管理ポリシー for further recommendations.
Assigning a DOI to a resource
On the Manage Resources page, under Publication, the table showing the pending version gains additional options to allow managing DOIs. The 🏛️ button allows assigning a new DOI for a resource. Assigning a new DOI also increases the major version of the resource.

Be aware a DOI can be reserved for a private resource, but that DOI cannot be registered until the resource is publicly visible. Once a resource with a DOI is made public, it can no longer be made private.
These fields are shown or have different meaning:
Version - the version number tracking the
of the current/pending version. Each time the resource undergoes scientifically significant changes, the resource manager should ensure the pending version has a new major version, done by reserving it a new DOI. A detailed description of the IPT’s versioning policy is explained Dataset Versioning Policy. Click thebutton to see the current version’s homepage. In the pending version item, click the
button to see a preview of the pending version’s homepage. The homepage preview is private to resource managers only, and enables them to make sure the resource is ready to publish.
DOI - the DOI of the current/pending version. The DOI of the current version can never be changed. The DOI of the pending version can be reserved or deleted.
When clicking "Publish", the usual dialog is extended to inform about the DOI, depending on whether the pending version is a major version change or minor version change:

Managing DOIs of resources
Using the 🏛️ button, you can make changes to DOIs assigned to resources.
予約 - DOI をリソースに予約することができます。この操作は、リソースに既に DOI が割り当てられているか否かによって多少異なります。
Resource not assigned a DOI: - a DOI can be reserved for a resource after the mandatory metadata has been entered. To reserve a DOI, press the 🏛️ button in the Published Versions section. To reuse an existing DOI, enter it into the citation identifier field in the resource metadata, and then press the 🏛️ button in the Published Versions section. If a resource is publicly available and reserved a DOI, the next publication will result in a new major version and the DOI will be registered. Otherwise if a resource is private and reserved a DOI, the next publication will result in a new minor version of the resource and the DOI will NOT be registered. Be aware that until a DOI is registered it can still be deleted.
Resource assigned a DOI: - another DOI can be reserved for a published resource that has already been assigned a DOI. To reserve another DOI, press the 🏛️ button in the Published Versions section. The DOI will be registered the next time the resource is published, and will resolve to the newly published version’s homepage. The former DOI will still resolve to the previous version, but will display a warning the new one superseded it. Be aware that until a DOI is registered it can still be deleted.
Delete: - a DOI that is reserved for the resource can be deleted since it was never publicly resolvable. To delete a DOI, press the 🏛️ button in the Published Versions section.
登録 - リソースが一般公開されており、DOIを予約していた場合、次の公開で新しいメジャーバージョンとなり、DOIが登録されます。
非アクティブ化 - 登録されたDOIは削除できず、リソースと対応し続けなければなりません。DOIを無効化する唯一の方法は、リソース自体を削除することです。リソースを削除すると、データがダウンロードできなくなり、DOIはリソースが撤回されたことを説明するページと対応します。DOIの更新が反映されるまで、最大24時間かかることがありますのでご注意してください。
再アクティブ化 - 非アクティブ化されたDOIは、削除されたリソースに対応します。DOIを再活性化するためには、リソースの削除を取り消す必要があります。リソースの削除を取り消すとデータは再びダウンロード可能になり、DOIはこのリソースの最終発行版に対応します。DOIの更新が反映されるまで、最大24時間かかることがありますのでご注意ください。
